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The future of design

Stronger designs for the future

As intriguing as it sounds, the future of design as we know it probably won't be the way we see it.

Design has come a long way, the way it is processed and viewed, from just a pen and paper being a small practice within large companies to design driven companies with a design first approach and design thinking in every step.


Design has changed the way of dealing with any problem and in the future it will change even more radically. I have some ideas about how the field of design is going to change and the question is, are we ready to adapt to this future of design?

More than design

Previously, we would see graphic design, industrial design, or interaction design as fields of design and there were a finite number of crafts in the world. We are now starting to see that design is being used everywhere. The definition of design as a whole will be diluted over time. The design will be more than just graphics and interfaces. An example of this is organizational design, thinking about anything from designing the culture within an organization to how those organizations are designed in terms of structure, work, spaces, and everything in between.

The definition of design as a whole is diluted over time. The design will be more than just graphics and interfaces.


If we're solving today's challenges, through journey maps, empathy maps, and MVPs, chances are we're not focused on the distant future. The future of design is about going beyond design for today's problems. Future includes tools and methodologies that come from strategic foresight and future thinking, such as scenario planning, trend mapping, systems thinking tools, etc., that not only improve the user experience with their current flow, but which also guide you towards a better user experience using the design itself. . Future design will not make the user comfortable by simplifying what he does. It would take the user down a different and more comfortable path that he does not know.

Designers to become Companies

We need to brainstorm and use constructive criticism, discover the best and worst ideas. This process means that we go after the best idea once we have it, whether it comes from the oldest designer in the company or the newest. Most companies in today's corporate world don't think that way. They are hierarchical, which prevents innovative change and progress from coming from the youngest. As design becomes an integral part of corporations and large businesses, we must integrate this standardizing element of design thinking into the way we work in order to continue to progress.

We need to prepare for the changing nature of the industry in order to create a more robust design for the future. We tend to be humble people, more interested in making an impact with our work than incorporating politics or making money. The fact that we are increasingly working in the corporate world means that we will have to learn new skill sets, namely communication skills. We tend to lose our voice in this corporate environment, so we need to be better at speaking our minds and presenting our views. Not being able to present our designs is as good as not designing. We have to balance our humility and isolation with the need to show our work with more confidence and voice.

Robots and designers

Since AI-powered parametric design allows designers to quickly and easily create millions of variations of a design, most of our productivity will increase dramatically. Suddenly, we will be able to explore a large number of alternative addresses in a fraction of the time we need today. As long as AI remains more logical and less creative, designers shouldn't worry about AI taking over their jobs.


In addition to threatening design jobs, Machines needs designers in the field of AI and ML, as AI offers opportunities to design the interactions between them, the application powered by AI, and the interaction between AI and humans. The whole field of AI is expanding exponentially and robot design would be routine in the future and are we ready for it? We haven't crossed the threshold where the design community at large has enough value from machine learning, but when it becomes real, it will change the view of design for everyone.

We have not crossed the threshold where the design community in general has enough value from machine learning. Not yet.


Humans and robots to be part of the same design system.




The available technology, the expansion of the design community and design fields, the revolutionary innovations around artificial intelligence are changing at a dizzying pace, but the capabilities available to designers and design culture have not been able to keep up with the pace. swing. If we are not willing to accept change in the process and experiment on every project, it would stop the whole aspect as designers. We need designers who can push the limits of design and maintain a constant focus on design innovation and creating designs that take us into that future of ours.


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CitiRed® Network

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